Natural Health Blog


Why Is A Japanese Diet Good For your Heart?

Studies spanning decades investigate several Japanese staple foods as being potentially responsible for lower cases of CVD in Japan when compared with CVD in other countries such as Australia


The Macrobiotic Diet: A Holistic Wellness Solution

The Japanese macrobiotic diet has a fascinating history that dates back several centuries. Its roots can be traced to the teachings of George Ohsawa, a Japanese philosopher, who believed that food plays a critical role in achieving physical and spiritual balance.


Eczema Relief With Natural Medicine

Did you know that eczema is not just a surface issue? In fact, it goes beyond the skin and can indicate a deeper imbalance within your body. Eczema can be a clear sign of an overactive immune system and even point towards poor gut health. 


Recommended Daily Intake vs Therapeutic Dosages

When you look on any nutritional label for a food product, you see a reference for a RDI which is also known as the Recommended Daily Intake. But is this enough?


A Naturopath's Life : From Dawn till Dusk Routine

The naturopath's day starts with a harmonious symphony of self-care, patient care, and continuous learning. As the first rays of the sun grace the horizon, a naturopath starts the day by nurturing their own well-being before a patient's.


Finally, Escape the UTI Struggle: Solving Difficult UTIs

A difficult urinary tract infection can be a distressing and challenging experience for both men and women. This type of infection occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and multiply, causing irritation and inflammation in the urinary tract. What makes it particularly challenging is that it often recurs despite treatment, leaving individuals feeling frustrated and desperate for relief.


Perth's Best Hikes and Walking Trails

Getting in nature to destress or exercise is free, invigorating and good for the soul. These are some of the best hiking trails around Perth to help you stay healthy.


Top 10 Best Organic Farmer's Markets in Perth

If you are searching for fresh, organic food straight from the market, then these are the best in Perth.


Alzheimer's, Dementia and Plasmalogens

What can plasmalogens do to help alzheimer's disease or dementia? How can nutrition give a patient a better quality of life or potentially even slow the progression of the diseases?


Folates, Methylation and Reproductive Health

Over the past 10 years or so there has been a greater focus on MTHFR and the potential need for activated folic acid such as mecobalamin or Co-methylcobalamin. How important is it?


Got Digestive Problems?

If you have digestive problems, it is important to work out what they are more specifically. Ulcers, gastritis, cancer, bloating or inflammation are just a few issues.


Lead Poisoning and Chelation Naturally

Lead toxicity in Australia occasionally makes the news but what about the small amounts making the way into your food, cigarettes, plastics or other? How do you chelate it or detox it naturally?


Why See A Naturopath?

Why would it be a good idea to visit a naturopath to get help for your health? Have you tried seeing a GP or regular medical specialist for your condition? A naturopath looks at things deeper by using functional medicine testing, herbal medicine, nutrition and a holistic approach.


Overcoming Food Intolerances

Food intolerances are technically not allergies and are more commonly digestive related. Bloating, stomach cramping, inflammation and fatigue are just a few of the many symptoms which come about with food intolerances. 


Is A Keto Diet Right For You?

The Keto diet is not new, but it has gained tremendous popularity within the mainstream over the past year. 

Adrenal Fatigue

Rethinking our Health Model – Germ Vs Terrain Theory

If you take a stroll down the cleaning isle in the supermarket, you’ll notice the products are all about killing and sterilising.

Adrenal Fatigue

Elevating Energy Naturally

It is quite normal to feel tired or to experience fatigue throughout our lives when we experience periods of stress.


Maximising Men’s Fertility

When trying to conceive, couples tend to focus only on the woman’s health, overlooking the man’s. When the man’s health is below optimal state, it has a negative impact on the whole fertility.

Adrenal Fatigue

More Energy with a Spring Detox

If you have been following our blog, you might have read about how we are all exposed to toxins every minute, every day, everywhere.


Detox Essentials In the 21st Century

Having digestive issues such as bloating, pain, gas, and constipation, or problems with hormones, weight, and sluggishness could only mean one thing

Adrenal Fatigue

Magnesium – A Core Essential for Everyone

The pressures of modern living may be inescapable, but it’s not the end of the world. There are things that can be done to overcome these stressors and be able to cope.


Effective Tools for Weight Loss Success

Trying to lose weight properly and effectively needs planning and tracking. No matter what health challenges you have, keeping a healthy weight is absolute key to them all.


The Best Wellness with The Right Gut Flora

Allergies, eczema, stomach trouble, autoimmunity, hay fever, and even feeling unwell after having taken a round of antibiotics — they may seem to be unrelated, but they have one thing in common.

Adrenal Fatigue

Modern Weight Loss: 15 Methods That Work

Looking around on the internet, a lot of myths have popped up regarding weight loss. People often end up doing insane things that mostly don’t have evidence supporting the claim.


Zinc Improves Sleep Quality

Having trouble catching those z’s at night? Is your insomnia impacting your work and day-to-day activities?


3 Top Tips To Build Energy

What do you do when energy seems to be too low and all you feel is sluggishness, fatigue, and exhaustion?

Adrenal Fatigue

5 Signs You Have a Fungal Overload

Are you aware that within our gastrointestinal tract lives millions of microorganisms — bacteria, fungus, and even parasites.


Folic Acid in Pregnancy

Are you trying to fall pregnant? Curious of how much folic acid to take? Folate has been associated to healthier pregnancies and healthier babies.


Bicarbonate of Soda reduces Autoimmune inflammation

Baking soda is a common ingredient in baking and cooking. It helps the batter expand, which when put in heat, rises. You might even know too that it is also a popular cleaning aide.

Adrenal Fatigue

Chronic Staph Infections and Your Health

S. aureus, also nicknamed “staph”, is a type of bacteria that lives inside the body and is opportunistic. About a third of individuals carry Staphylococcus aureus,

Adrenal Fatigue

Do You Need More Vitamin B12?

Almost three-fourths of the vitamins that are required in our diet belong to the vitamin B-group. The B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning they need to constantly be replenished


Allergies – An Updated View and Support

Do you feel bloated or get headaches when you eat certain foods? Do you find yourself sneezing when a dog or cat comes near you?


Is Eating Soy Dangerous or Even Cause Cancer?

Simply, no. Many internet articles contain false or inaccurate information, and it is of high importance for us users to fact-check and verify the reliability of the source.


Why Eat Organic Food?

You may see the word “organic” in some food packaging more commonly now that it has become a marketing magnet. But don’t believe everything that you see inside the grocery aisle.


Super Ageing and Living Long

Have you noticed something forming at the outer corners of your eyes? You look closely in the mirror, and… alas! It’s the dreaded crow’s feet! And how about other parts of your skin?

Adrenal Fatigue

The Human Microbiome and Your Health

Do you have pain around the abdomen, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas or reflux? These are signs that the gut is not in its optimal condition and your bacteria blueprint or microbiome is out of balance.

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