Magnesium – A Core Essential for Everyone

Magnesium – A Core Essential for Everyone

Posted 30 Apr '19

The pressures of modern living may be inescapable, but it’s not the end of the world. There are things that can be done to overcome these stressors and be able to cope. Common stressors could be pressures at work or in school, troubles with relationships, financial burdens. Add to those the constant exposure to toxins, processed and fast foods, and even digital gadgets.

Magnesium’s Role

Be warned that when these stressors become a constant in daily living, the body’s wellbeing drops significantly. Vitamin and mineral levels are affected. One of these nutrients that plays a huge role in fighting stress is Magnesium. It’s the one that lessens the effects that stress hormones can do to the body. It promotes sleep, relaxing the muscles and reducing cramps. Through these, it then helps fight memory loss, promotes good mood, concentration and focus. Most importantly, it lowers anxiety, helps control blood sugar. Thereby, reducing sugar cravings and improve energy.

What Happens If We Have Low Magnesium

Magnesium drops when there is inadequate intake of certain foods, chronic stress, or excessive caffeine or alcohol intake. Certain medications may also deplete the levels.

The common telltale signs of low magnesium include fatigue, headaches, difficulty sleeping, and muscle cramps in both children and adults. Anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders, and pre-menstrual syndrome are all linked to magnesium deficiency as well.

The body needs magnesium to boost the production of energy in order for the body to fully function. When stressed, cells get damaged, causing energy to leak. It is like a cycle that points to magnesium being the hero that everyone needs.

Protect Yourself from the Damages of Low Magnesium

Here are ways that you can protect your mind and body from stress while keeping your magnesium levels at optimum level:

  1. Increase intake of foods that are rich in magnesium. For example, spinach, avocado, almonds, black beans, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate.
  2. Lessen intake of food that are high in sugar, or processed. Best if they can be avoided completely.
  3. Reduce caffeine intake to one cup a day and only drink it during the day. This will help with the next tip–
  4. Get a good night’s sleep. The body needs complete sleep to repair damaged tissues and reduce inflammation brought on by stress. Make the bedroom conducive to sleep–quiet, dark, cool. Stay away from electronic gadgets at least 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. These gadgets include TV, computers, mobile phones, and tablets.
  5. Make exercising a regular routine. It reverses the negative effects of emotional, mental, and physical stress.
  6. Consult your practitioner about the best magnesium supplement for you.

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