Natural Health Blog


Why Is A Japanese Diet Good For your Heart?

Studies spanning decades investigate several Japanese staple foods as being potentially responsible for lower cases of CVD in Japan when compared with CVD in other countries such as Australia


Finally, Escape the UTI Struggle: Solving Difficult UTIs

A difficult urinary tract infection can be a distressing and challenging experience for both men and women. This type of infection occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and multiply, causing irritation and inflammation in the urinary tract. What makes it particularly challenging is that it often recurs despite treatment, leaving individuals feeling frustrated and desperate for relief.


Iridology Demystified: How Reading Your Iris Could Change Your Health

Iridology is an intriguing theory that offers a unique perspective on the assessment of our health. By delving into the intricate changes that occur in the iris and pupil of the eye, this approach aims to reveal potential health issues. 


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue Syndrome can be devastating. Stuck in bed and unable to work with constant headaches, muscle weakness and body pain. What can be done naturally for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CF)?


Does Magnesium Cause Digestive Issues?

You may have heard that magnesium is essential to take and might help you with sleep, achy joints or energy. But have you experienced digestive problems when you take it? 


Digital Detox Benefits

It is easy to use digital devices too much. We use our phones for banking, messaging, entertainment and a lot more so it can become a dominant devotion. 


Long Covid and Naturopathy

Long Covid or post-covid is defined as continuing signs and symptoms from four weeks to greater than three months. Ongoing data suggests that 30% of patients will have persisting covid symptoms for over 6 months.


Folates, Methylation and Reproductive Health

Over the past 10 years or so there has been a greater focus on MTHFR and the potential need for activated folic acid such as mecobalamin or Co-methylcobalamin. How important is it?


Lead Poisoning and Chelation Naturally

Lead toxicity in Australia occasionally makes the news but what about the small amounts making the way into your food, cigarettes, plastics or other? How do you chelate it or detox it naturally?

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