Vitamin D for Baby Health

Vitamin D for Baby Health

Posted 19 Feb '18

Baby health depends on the health of the mother not only during pregnancy, but also PRIOR to conception. This period is often called the “window of opportunity” for the mother to be in her best health as it has a huge impact on the baby’s development for a healthy and happy child. One vital nutrient in the mum’s health is vitamin D. Low vitamin D during prenatal stages is linked to childhood sickness including asthma, allergies, behavioural issues, autism, and issues with the metabolism.

Surprisingly, the number of Australians and New Zealanders who are deficient in vitamin D is high, despite living in a “sun country”. Mostly due to preferring to stay indoors, over outdoor activities. One reason is in order to avoid getting skin cancers. Because of this, vitamin D will have to be acquired through other means, such as supplements.

What the vitamin Does:

  • Vitamin D helps protect the brain and nervous system, assisting with how the child will learn and behave. Developmental delays and autism have been shown in those with low levels of vitamin D.
  • Vitamin D also supports the immune system, reducing the risks of getting asthma and allergies after birth.
  • Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the development of the lungs.
  • Vitamin D also protects the heart and metabolic health. Low levels of vitamin D has been linked to elevated risks of cardiovascular diseases, and type II diabetes later in life.

How to maintain vitamin D levels:

Six to seven minutes of sun exposure around the mid-morning or mid-afternoon on warm months. Seven to forty minutes around noon on cold months. No sunscreen, and at least have the arms and shoulders exposed.

Consult with a practitioner on other means to acquire vitamin D if the sun is to be avoided. This is to build up the vitamin D levels in a safe manner.


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