Weight Loss With The Right Gut Flora

Weight Loss With The Right Gut Flora

Posted 21 Dec '18

Do you have trouble maintaining your weight at a healthy level? Does your weight keep increasing? You’re not alone. Rebound weight is pretty common for those who have tried to lose it and as we enter into the 2019 Summer, you are probably wondering about how you can trim off some kilos for the Australian summer.

Not only is it an aesthetic concern, but being overweight is linked to a wide range of health conditions especially high blood pressure and/or cholesterol, imbalances in blood sugar mood swings, and diabetes.

As mentioned on another one of our articles, our bodies have a weight range that it tries to maintain no matter what, and it is determined by our lifestyle, physical activity, diet, gut health, and a lot more. Thus, it is crucial that the weight range is lowered so that the body can adjust and it will start to think that that new weight range is what it now needs to maintain. This is where weight loss programs come in, as a guide to getting that new lower, healthier, and sustainable weight range.

Gut Health for Weight Loss

During the recent decade, microbiome within the gut has emerged as a crucial factor in obesity and related metabolic diseases including type II diabetes. The microbiome is the billions of tiny microorganisms that reside in the body, mostly within the gut. The human microbiome is not only an integral part of the body’s immune system, but also one of the keys to a balanced metabolism and thus, a healthy weight. If you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or other gut issues like parasites, then this will hinder your weight loss for sure!

The Bacteria Suspects

The human body is host to different species of microbes, and if the balance between good bacteria and bad is maintained, the body can be in its tip top shape. Different species have different roles just like people have different jobs. There is one bacteria type that is known to extract more energy from food than other types, and they are called Firmicutes. Another type neutralises what firmicutes do, and they are called Bacteriodetes. If there is more firmicutes within the body than there bacteriodetes, the extra energy that is extracted becomes stored as fat, thus leading to weight gain. But if there are more bacteriodetes than there are firmicutes, then less energy is absorbed from food, and less fat is stored. This is how the balance in microbiome affects weight loss.

Probiotics for Weight Loss

Probiotics that contain certain strains of good bacteria keeps the gut health on track. There is a strain that has been found to be particularly best in controlling weight gain and best for those who have metabolic conditions, the Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis. It reduces the storage of fat, BMI, and unhealthy cholesterol. It supports healthy blood sugar levels, reduces fat mass, and less rebound weight gain.

Taking probiotics that have this strain reduces your appetite, and at the same time, improves gut health, repairs and maintains the gut lining, reduces inflammation that causes weight gain and metabolic diseases.

Weight Loss Check List

As mentioned earlier, several factors lead to weight gain, and it is not enough that you take probiotics on your own just to lose weight. Aside from the amount of probiotics that you need to take according to your body type, you will need to incorporate these habits for a healthier weight:

  1. Opt for whole foods, and protein. Minimise fatty, fried, sweet, or fast foods.
  2. Add more physical activity into your daily routine. Go for a walk, take the stairs, anything that will keep you off that couch and on your feet.
  3. Get good quality sleep during the night. 7 to 8 hours is ideal. When you are tired, you tend to reach for something to eat.
  4. Set a health goal and stick to it.
  5. Consult with a practitioner for your unique weight loss program design specifically for you.

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