Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Posted 11 Sep '17

As an old saying goes “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.  The core focus on naturopathy and integrative medicine is to holistically work on the body to build strength and prevent illness ideally. In reality though, patients often come once illness has struck!

It is a lot more practical to maintain an optimally healthy body than wait until it falls ill, or riddled with symptoms. Just like a car that is brought to the mechanic for regular tune-ups and oil changes to keep it in the best condition, instead of waiting until the car will not start anymore or break down in the middle of the road, to bring to a garage.

We can avoid ending up in an emergency situation if we build health and strength earlier than later. We can also work hard to lengthen the time before an illness starts to take over our bodies. Ideally we want to be at our maximum wellness all day and all night, for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our careers, and for family bonding times. For us to be at our best it is important that we take good care of ourselves, our bodies, in order to take care of our families too.  Obviously we can’t bring the kids to school, or bring the dogs to the park, or be able to concentrate on this upcoming project at work and perform well, if we’re always falling sick.

Often, it is a LOT easier and quicker to get those regular tune-ups, than wait until something is broken because, sadly, sometimes, the damage can become extensive that it might require costly long-term heavy maintenance through medicines, or other times, it might have already become irreversible.

In order to keep our health optimised and prevent future illnesses, we should be proactive about getting regular check-ups and tune-ups, and target the root of all the issues or symptoms.

Does this ring true for you? Get in touch and make an appointment to start prevention!


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