Looking After Your Immunity in Winter

Looking After Your Immunity in Winter

Posted 19 Jun '19

Has winter become synonymous with sick days for you and your family? Stuck in bed, with the sniffles and some tissues piling up beside you. Cough and fever on their way to join your colds and set up camp in you and join you as you lay wrapped up in a blanket. These, instead of being able to do your daily tasks normally, or planning a trip with the family for some fun, maybe do a few winter sports.

What if you could avoid getting sick in the first place?

You don’t have to wait until illness sets in before you act and take some relief medicines. This time around, be prepared. Boost your immunity with these three simple and easy ways, and get yourself a “wellness insurance”.

Three ways you can boost your immunity

1. Key immune boosting nutrients

Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin D. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, has lots of antioxidants which mobilise the immune system. Zinc supports the white blood cells and makes sure the little guys are present when bacteria or virus tries to invade. Meat, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds — these are all good sources of Zinc. Vitamin D guides the immune cells to where infection is trying to set in. Deficiency in Vitamin D during winter tend to increase as people opt to stay indoors, thereby getting less sun. Supplementation is always helpful to speed things up.

2. Gut health and healthy microbiome

Most of the immune system can be found inside the GI tract. The body’s own army of good bacteria, the beneficial microorganisms, also called probiotics, is what does most of the job keeping the body healthy and well. These microbiomes consist of different strains which have different roles in keeping the immune system in tip top form. In order to reduce the occurence of respiratory infections common during the cold months, supplementation may be needed.

3. Lifestyle check

Are you often busy and stressed? Do you have time to rest? Being always on the go may significantly drain the body’s immune functions, making it vulnerable to bacteria and virus with the slightest contact. Recharge and de-stress. Schedule a relaxation session or a me-time, if you will. Get a massage, join a yoga class, meditate, read a good book, take a walk, run, or a swim. Anything that will get your mind off work and off of daily routine. Get good night’s sleep at all costs.

Keeping healthy and free of illness is much better than taking medications when it’s too late. When you get sick, you get stressed even more! As an old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Get in touch and take control of your health.


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