Microbiome Health to Strengthen Immunity

Microbiome Health to Strengthen Immunity

Posted 15 Mar '19

When the gut microbiome is imbalanced, you may feel digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, to name a few. These microbiomes are composed of trillions of microorganisms like bacteria and yeasts, and they live within the digestive tract, or the guts. They support the immune system, and regulates the digestive, and bowel functions. To stay in tip top shape, the microbiome’s balance must be restored.

Key Probiotics for Better Immunity

Taking probiotics have a huge and positive impact on one’s health. Daily intake of these, especially if they contain multiple strains, will lead to optimal immune health, as well as digestive health. Some strains that are most beneficial are the Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and the Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis.

However, taking just any of these probiotics is enough. Other factors that cause digestive and immune problems, are poor and imbalanced diet, stress, and lengthy use of antibiotics. In such cases, certain probiotic strains that restore the microbiome will further help improve health. Strains that restore include the Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis. They shield against harmful pathogens, and promote good bacteria growth.

Lifestyle check

Certain lifestyles help the micro-soldiers do their job and stay healthy themselves:

  • Keep sugar intake to a minimum. Eat less, if not completely avoided, processed breakfast cereals, baked pastries and breads, desserts, fruit juices, candies, chocolates, canned food, and fast food. Sugar encourages growth of bad bacteria within the gut.
  • Manage stress well. Ever notice feeling tummy problems when you’re stressed? The brain and the guts are connected through a network of nerves. Get enough and restful sleep. Yoga, meditation, and pilates are good ways to keep stress at bay.
  • Are you overdosing in antibiotics? The standard length of prescription for these kinds of drugs is 7 days. 14 if the doctor sees the necessity. Beyond 14 would be overdosing. While they fight bad bacteria that cause infection, these medications also kill the good ones as it is unable to identify which strain or microorganism it should fight, and thereby cause the microbiome to become imbalanced.

Ask for Help

Ask your functional medicine practitioner about good quality probiotics that are specific to your needs. Digestive problems should not be a normal thing for you.


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