Underactive Thyroid


Outsmart Glandular Fever Naturally: Unconventional Strategies for a Full Recovery

While medications and rest play a crucial role to overcome glandular fever, incorporating unconventional strategies can support a full recovery. Prioritising a nutrient-rich diet is essential to boost the immune system and help the body combat the virus. Including foods high in vitamins C, E, and B-complex, as well as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids


Lead Poisoning and Chelation Naturally

Lead toxicity in Australia occasionally makes the news but what about the small amounts making the way into your food, cigarettes, plastics or other? How do you chelate it or detox it naturally?

Adrenal Fatigue

Could Your Thyroid Be Causing Your Symptoms?

If you or someone you know is suffering from a thyroid condition, then you are aware just how this tiny gland can affect the whole body.


Poor Sleep? You Could Be At Risk Of These Serious Conditions

If you have ever slept poorly in the night, you may have found yourself losing your focus, alertness, appetite, mood, and energy the following day. 

Adrenal Fatigue

Simple Natural Steps to Manage Anxiety

Shockingly, one in every seven Australians suffer from anxiety every year. For them, daily life becomes difficult to cope with.


The 5 Most Common Disruptors of Microbiome Health

Research is continuingly proving that much of  your immunity depends largely on your microbiome health.


Identifying the Causes of Inflammation

Two of the most common complaints that patients approach doctors for are pain and inflammation. When pain and inflammation won’t go away, it starts impacting the patient’s quality of life.

Adrenal Fatigue

Elevating Energy Naturally

It is quite normal to feel tired or to experience fatigue throughout our lives when we experience periods of stress.


Resolving Inflammation to Overcome Chronic Disease

Chronic disease cases have been on a rise recently. In fact, half of the Australian population is diagnosed with one. In other countries, it has reached epidemic levels.

Adrenal Fatigue

Do you have Inflammation?

Have you had a splinter or a cut before? How about a sprained ankle? Do you remember the affected site to have gotten red, hot, and swollen?

Female Hormones

Iodine Deficiency in Pregnancy

One mineral that is important to our health is Iodine and one major area of the body it is used in is the thyroid. 

Hormone Testing

Iodine Myths for Thyroid Health

Most of us are afraid of something causing harm to us like having too much salt or iodine. We may have been regarding it to be harmful, and consequently, should be avoided. Iodised salt, in particular.

Adrenal Fatigue

Thyroid – The Master of Metabolism

The thyroid is the gland that is shaped like a butterfly in front of the neck. It secretes two hormones that are responsible for the metabolic processes for the whole body

Adrenal Fatigue

The Best Diet for Hashimoto’s

The Basics To Helping Hashimoto’s Living with Hashimoto’s can especially be challenging, most especially when it comes to food options.


Effective Tools for Weight Loss Success

Trying to lose weight properly and effectively needs planning and tracking. No matter what health challenges you have, keeping a healthy weight is absolute key to them all.


Microbiome Health to Strengthen Immunity

When the gut microbiome is imbalanced, you may feel digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, to name a few.

Adrenal Fatigue

Essential Steps to Overcome Autoimmunity

Our surroundings is creeping with bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Everything that we are exposed to, especially the air that we breathe, the things we touch, and the food we eat.


Creating Hormone Harmony

Female hormones play a complex role on how women live their lives. In most cases, it is a challenge most especially from puberty, through pregnancy, until menopause.

Female Hormones

Overcoming Hormone Challenges

For your optimal, healthy body and mind, your hormones should be balanced and functioning at their peak. A little disruption and the body immediately reacts with different symptoms.


Boosting Testosterone Naturally

The normal testosterone levels in male peaks between the ages of 20 and 30, afterwhich, it starts to decline. In order to maintain good overall health in men,


Reflux Not Always Too Much Acid

The requirement for nutrients of the human body is constant from conception, through adult life. Sadly, its ability to digest and absorb these vital nutrients properly declines as we age.


Could Mould be the Cause of Your Sickness?

Do you find yourself feeling tired all the time that it seems impossible to make it through your daily routine, and just wished the day would end already?


Supporting Detoxing To Remove Pesticide Buildup

Do you use cleaning products, pesticides and other chemicals around the house? Even if you use a few, there is a chance you are putting your health at risk.


Folic Acid in Pregnancy

Are you trying to fall pregnant? Curious of how much folic acid to take? Folate has been associated to healthier pregnancies and healthier babies.


Glandular Fever Virus and Increased Autoimmune Risk

A recent ground breaking scientific study found that the Epstein-Barr virus, or the EBV, caused the risks of developing at least seven other major diseases to increase.

Adrenal Fatigue

Chronic Staph Infections and Your Health

S. aureus, also nicknamed “staph”, is a type of bacteria that lives inside the body and is opportunistic. About a third of individuals carry Staphylococcus aureus,


That New Car Smell Might Be Messing With Your Hormones

Are you one of the many who loves that new car smell? And might even be guilty of buying aerosol sprays or air fresheners that imitates that distinctive scent?

Adrenal Fatigue

The Human Microbiome and Your Health

Do you have pain around the abdomen, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas or reflux? These are signs that the gut is not in its optimal condition and your bacteria blueprint or microbiome is out of balance.


Healthy Mums and Babies

When we hear the word “bacteria”, we tend to picture in our minds millions and thousands of germs causing infection, illnesses, diseases, and for some of us, even death.

Adrenal Fatigue

Treating Depression Naturally

One in every 6 Australians experience mental illness at any age. Worldwide, depression remains to be the number one cause of disability.

Adrenal Fatigue

Hormone Testing is Helpful

When a patient goes to a general doctor GP for help with a particular infection, whether viral or bacterial, they are prescribed with drug medications, which may be able to clear up the obvious symptoms.


Probiotics – The Latest Understanding

The hot topic for 2017 is the human microbiome and its impact on health. There has been some new findings about the microorganisms


5 Reasons to Lose Weight

After winter comes summertime! Best time to begin shredding off those extra kilos. Not only will losing weight help one feel better and look better;

Adrenal Fatigue

Overcoming Morning Fatigue

Have you ever woken up to mornings when you felt like you haven’t had a single second of sleep throughout the night? Do you find it difficult to wake up,


How to Make Bone Broth – Recipe Basics

It seems everyone is talking about bone broth so I thought I would give you a recipe to enjoy the benefits. Do you remember the fad of superfoods?

Gastrointestinal Health

Bring Back Your Energy

Feeling tired more often than you are energised? Has fatigue been sneaking up on you? Sounds like you may have persistent fatigue – and this could seriously affect your everyday life!


Zinc – A Key Essential Trace Element

Did you know that Zinc is one of the essential nutrients that your body needs, and that whether you have enough Zinc in your body or not has a huge effect on your overall health?

Adrenal Fatigue

Stress Strategies Naturally

There is not one single person who hasn’t experienced stress. The little stresses are what makes our bodies stronger, and more capable of responding to stressful situations.

Adrenal Fatigue

Mercury Toxicity and Health

Did you know that Mercury is 1000 times more toxic than lead? Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive heavy metal that exists on earth,

Adrenal Fatigue

Destroying Anxiety and Bringing Back Calm

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, it’s a natural response to stress! To most people, it could even be a motivator to push you to finish assignments and projects,


Chemicals Impacting Child Development

Many chemicals that are widely common, and easily available are endangering brain development in fetuses and children.

Adrenal Fatigue

Is Your Sluggish Thyroid Making You Sick?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of your neck. It releases hormones that control metabolism—the way your body uses energy.

Adrenal Fatigue

A Naturopath’s Top 8 Tips To Reduce Stress

Stress has a much greater impact on your overall health than you think. Since stress response is a coping mechanism for the human body to an external threat,

Bone Health

Choosing a High Quality Fish Oil

Fish oil is wildly popular with both health practitioners and patients around the world. There is no doubt that omega-3 has a wide array of benefits such as potent anti-inflammatory properties,

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