Natural Health Blog


Why Is A Japanese Diet Good For your Heart?

Studies spanning decades investigate several Japanese staple foods as being potentially responsible for lower cases of CVD in Japan when compared with CVD in other countries such as Australia


The Macrobiotic Diet: A Holistic Wellness Solution

The Japanese macrobiotic diet has a fascinating history that dates back several centuries. Its roots can be traced to the teachings of George Ohsawa, a Japanese philosopher, who believed that food plays a critical role in achieving physical and spiritual balance.


Why Am I Tired All The Time?

It is ok to be fatigued for a day or two but if it is constant, there is something more going on. What is the reason you are tired all the time?


A Naturopath's Life : From Dawn till Dusk Routine

The naturopath's day starts with a harmonious symphony of self-care, patient care, and continuous learning. As the first rays of the sun grace the horizon, a naturopath starts the day by nurturing their own well-being before a patient's.


Iridology Demystified: How Reading Your Iris Could Change Your Health

Iridology is an intriguing theory that offers a unique perspective on the assessment of our health. By delving into the intricate changes that occur in the iris and pupil of the eye, this approach aims to reveal potential health issues. 


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue Syndrome can be devastating. Stuck in bed and unable to work with constant headaches, muscle weakness and body pain. What can be done naturally for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CF)?


Digital Detox Benefits

It is easy to use digital devices too much. We use our phones for banking, messaging, entertainment and a lot more so it can become a dominant devotion. 


Top 10 Best Organic Farmer's Markets in Perth

If you are searching for fresh, organic food straight from the market, then these are the best in Perth.


Glutamine and Cancer - Safe or Not?

There are mixed messages on glutamine and questions of whether or not it is fueling cancer growth or promoting healing. What can glutamine do for cancer recovery and is it considered safe?


Got Digestive Problems?

If you have digestive problems, it is important to work out what they are more specifically. Ulcers, gastritis, cancer, bloating or inflammation are just a few issues.


Is A Keto Diet Right For You?

The Keto diet is not new, but it has gained tremendous popularity within the mainstream over the past year. 


Natural Pain Management With PEA (palmitoylethanolamide)

PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) started out back in 1939 as a natural food ingredient within dried egg yolk. 

Adrenal Fatigue

Rethinking our Health Model – Germ Vs Terrain Theory

If you take a stroll down the cleaning isle in the supermarket, you’ll notice the products are all about killing and sterilising.


Supporting Detoxing To Remove Pesticide Buildup

Do you use cleaning products, pesticides and other chemicals around the house? Even if you use a few, there is a chance you are putting your health at risk.


Overcoming Recurrent Infections

Do you find yourself falling sick so easily? Infections being treated with a complete round of antibiotics only for it to return after a short while?


Why Eat Organic Food?

You may see the word “organic” in some food packaging more commonly now that it has become a marketing magnet. But don’t believe everything that you see inside the grocery aisle.


Zinc – A Key Essential Trace Element

Did you know that Zinc is one of the essential nutrients that your body needs, and that whether you have enough Zinc in your body or not has a huge effect on your overall health?


Meet your body demands with essential Nutrients

Does your Body Need Extra Nutrients? Mineral deficiency is very common in Australians and New Zealanders, which is surprising isn’t it?


Cracking the Best Sleep Code – Insomnia

Have you experienced staring at the ceiling at half past two in the morning? Can’t sleep, even at the darkest peak of the night?

Adrenal Fatigue

A Naturopath’s Top 8 Tips To Reduce Stress

Stress has a much greater impact on your overall health than you think. Since stress response is a coping mechanism for the human body to an external threat,

Adrenal Fatigue

What is NAC?

N-Acetyl Cysteine, or NAC, is such an effective reliever of coughing, wheezing, and phlegm brought about by colds or flu,


pH and Bone Health

You might have heard of our body’s constant balancing of internal pH, or the pH of only a certain part of the body.

Bone Health

When Inflammation Decides To Stay

Cuts, bumps, sprains — these are all normal reactions to any injury, and they are all referred to as inflammation.


Top 9 Must-Eat Superfoods for Optimal Health

Patients ask me often about the best, healthiest foods to eat. The term “Superfood” has been so overused, it leaves many wondering what really are the best foods to eat for the best nutritional benefit.


What is Integrative Oncology?

Also regarded as integrative medicine, integrative oncology is the use of integrative therapies along with conventional medicine.  

Bone Health

Negative Health Impact of Plastics

Everywhere we look these days, there’s something made out of plastic. Can you count how many items inside your house is made of plastic, or has some plastic parts in them?

Adrenal Fatigue

Top 5 Health Retreats Around Perth

Where there is peace and meditation, there is neither anxiety nor doubt. – St. Francis de Sales During these modern times, people are always in a rush,

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