Natural Health Blog


What is Amazaki?

Koji is a less known superfood found in a variety of macrobiotic foods. Containing Aspergillus oryzae, koji is used to make foods such as miso, amazaki and tamari.


Eczema Relief With Natural Medicine

Did you know that eczema is not just a surface issue? In fact, it goes beyond the skin and can indicate a deeper imbalance within your body. Eczema can be a clear sign of an overactive immune system and even point towards poor gut health. 


Why Am I Tired All The Time?

It is ok to be fatigued for a day or two but if it is constant, there is something more going on. What is the reason you are tired all the time?


Recommended Daily Intake vs Therapeutic Dosages

When you look on any nutritional label for a food product, you see a reference for a RDI which is also known as the Recommended Daily Intake. But is this enough?


Outsmart Glandular Fever Naturally: Unconventional Strategies for a Full Recovery

While medications and rest play a crucial role to overcome glandular fever, incorporating unconventional strategies can support a full recovery. Prioritising a nutrient-rich diet is essential to boost the immune system and help the body combat the virus. Including foods high in vitamins C, E, and B-complex, as well as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids


Is Your House Making You Sick?

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers to a condition in which occupants of a building experience a range of symptoms and discomfort that are associated with spending time in that particular environment. These symptoms, which can vary in severity, include headaches, fatigue, respiratory issues, eye irritation, dizziness, and even difficulty concentrating.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue Syndrome can be devastating. Stuck in bed and unable to work with constant headaches, muscle weakness and body pain. What can be done naturally for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CF)?


Digital Detox Benefits

It is easy to use digital devices too much. We use our phones for banking, messaging, entertainment and a lot more so it can become a dominant devotion. 


Perth's Best Hikes and Walking Trails

Getting in nature to destress or exercise is free, invigorating and good for the soul. These are some of the best hiking trails around Perth to help you stay healthy.


Alzheimer's, Dementia and Plasmalogens

What can plasmalogens do to help alzheimer's disease or dementia? How can nutrition give a patient a better quality of life or potentially even slow the progression of the diseases?


Long Covid and Naturopathy

Long Covid or post-covid is defined as continuing signs and symptoms from four weeks to greater than three months. Ongoing data suggests that 30% of patients will have persisting covid symptoms for over 6 months.

Adrenal Fatigue

Finding Joy Amongst Depression

With depression comes low mood, insomnia, fatigue, Agitation, poor concentration and sometimes suicidal thoughts or recurrent thoughts of death. What can you do to find your joy again?


Overcoming Food Intolerances

Food intolerances are technically not allergies and are more commonly digestive related. Bloating, stomach cramping, inflammation and fatigue are just a few of the many symptoms which come about with food intolerances. 


Heavy Metal Detoxing 101

The world is full of toxicity and if you are not working to detox, they will build up in your body over time. How do you do it?

Adrenal Fatigue

Could Your Thyroid Be Causing Your Symptoms?

If you or someone you know is suffering from a thyroid condition, then you are aware just how this tiny gland can affect the whole body.

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How To Get Rid Of Eczema

Going mad over itchy, inflamed red, and sometimes scaly, patches… There’s nothing quite like the irritation and frustration that eczema can cause. 

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Simple Natural Steps to Manage Anxiety

Shockingly, one in every seven Australians suffer from anxiety every year. For them, daily life becomes difficult to cope with.

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Tips To Reduce Stress and Sleep Well

Going through a lot of stress impacts the quality of sleep you get come bedtime. Sometimes the mind simply does not shut down so that you can finally fall asleep.

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Building Resilience For Optimal Mental Health

How would you describes your average day? Busy but fun? Productive and joyful? Or stressful and feeling like you are never achieving much?

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Rethinking our Health Model – Germ Vs Terrain Theory

If you take a stroll down the cleaning isle in the supermarket, you’ll notice the products are all about killing and sterilising.

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Elevating Energy Naturally

It is quite normal to feel tired or to experience fatigue throughout our lives when we experience periods of stress.

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Supercharged Energy Keys

Are your energy levels not what they should be? Are you feeling dips in energy and struggling to keep up with your friends, family or colleagues? 

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More Energy with a Spring Detox

If you have been following our blog, you might have read about how we are all exposed to toxins every minute, every day, everywhere.

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Do you have Inflammation?

Have you had a splinter or a cut before? How about a sprained ankle? Do you remember the affected site to have gotten red, hot, and swollen?

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Thyroid – The Master of Metabolism

The thyroid is the gland that is shaped like a butterfly in front of the neck. It secretes two hormones that are responsible for the metabolic processes for the whole body

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Magnesium – A Core Essential for Everyone

The pressures of modern living may be inescapable, but it’s not the end of the world. There are things that can be done to overcome these stressors and be able to cope.

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The Best Diet for Hashimoto’s

The Basics To Helping Hashimoto’s Living with Hashimoto’s can especially be challenging, most especially when it comes to food options.

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The Role of Magnesium Against Stress and Depression

Magnesium is in every cell of the human body. In fact, it comes fourth as the most abundant mineral and plays roles in more than 300 activities, both within physically and mentally.

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Detoxing from a Toxic World

All too often, we are exposed to heavy metals, and heavy metal toxicity poses a great threat to health. It can lead to serious health conditions as they damage organs and most are permanent and debilitating,

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Modern Weight Loss: 15 Methods That Work

Looking around on the internet, a lot of myths have popped up regarding weight loss. People often end up doing insane things that mostly don’t have evidence supporting the claim.

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Essential Steps to Overcome Autoimmunity

Our surroundings is creeping with bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Everything that we are exposed to, especially the air that we breathe, the things we touch, and the food we eat.

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5 Signs You Have a Fungal Overload

Are you aware that within our gastrointestinal tract lives millions of microorganisms — bacteria, fungus, and even parasites.

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Chronic Staph Infections and Your Health

S. aureus, also nicknamed “staph”, is a type of bacteria that lives inside the body and is opportunistic. About a third of individuals carry Staphylococcus aureus,

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Do You Need More Vitamin B12?

Almost three-fourths of the vitamins that are required in our diet belong to the vitamin B-group. The B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning they need to constantly be replenished

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Vitamin D for Baby Health

Baby health depends on the health of the mother not only during pregnancy, but also PRIOR to conception.

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How to Manage Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Naturally [Part 1 of 2]

Ankylosing Spondylitis, or AS, is one type of arthritis that targets the spine or the vertebrae, fusing them together. 

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