Natural Health Blog


Is Your House Making You Sick?

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers to a condition in which occupants of a building experience a range of symptoms and discomfort that are associated with spending time in that particular environment. These symptoms, which can vary in severity, include headaches, fatigue, respiratory issues, eye irritation, dizziness, and even difficulty concentrating.


Finally, Escape the UTI Struggle: Solving Difficult UTIs

A difficult urinary tract infection can be a distressing and challenging experience for both men and women. This type of infection occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and multiply, causing irritation and inflammation in the urinary tract. What makes it particularly challenging is that it often recurs despite treatment, leaving individuals feeling frustrated and desperate for relief.


Iridology Demystified: How Reading Your Iris Could Change Your Health

Iridology is an intriguing theory that offers a unique perspective on the assessment of our health. By delving into the intricate changes that occur in the iris and pupil of the eye, this approach aims to reveal potential health issues. 


Perth's Best Hikes and Walking Trails

Getting in nature to destress or exercise is free, invigorating and good for the soul. These are some of the best hiking trails around Perth to help you stay healthy.

Adrenal Fatigue

Finding Joy Amongst Depression

With depression comes low mood, insomnia, fatigue, Agitation, poor concentration and sometimes suicidal thoughts or recurrent thoughts of death. What can you do to find your joy again?


Lead Poisoning and Chelation Naturally

Lead toxicity in Australia occasionally makes the news but what about the small amounts making the way into your food, cigarettes, plastics or other? How do you chelate it or detox it naturally?

Adrenal Fatigue

Simple Natural Steps to Manage Anxiety

Shockingly, one in every seven Australians suffer from anxiety every year. For them, daily life becomes difficult to cope with.


Top 10 Boosters for Chest Infections

As winter begins in Perth, I’d like to revisit the keys to keeping our immune system in optimal function. There will always be a new virus or “bug” revealing itself, but the keys are rarely different.


Resolving Inflammation to Overcome Chronic Disease

Chronic disease cases have been on a rise recently. In fact, half of the Australian population is diagnosed with one. In other countries, it has reached epidemic levels.

Adrenal Fatigue

Magnesium – A Core Essential for Everyone

The pressures of modern living may be inescapable, but it’s not the end of the world. There are things that can be done to overcome these stressors and be able to cope.

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The Role of Magnesium Against Stress and Depression

Magnesium is in every cell of the human body. In fact, it comes fourth as the most abundant mineral and plays roles in more than 300 activities, both within physically and mentally.


Zinc Improves Sleep Quality

Having trouble catching those z’s at night? Is your insomnia impacting your work and day-to-day activities?


Could Mould be the Cause of Your Sickness?

Do you find yourself feeling tired all the time that it seems impossible to make it through your daily routine, and just wished the day would end already?

Adrenal Fatigue

Do You Need More Vitamin B12?

Almost three-fourths of the vitamins that are required in our diet belong to the vitamin B-group. The B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning they need to constantly be replenished

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Vitamin D for Baby Health

Baby health depends on the health of the mother not only during pregnancy, but also PRIOR to conception.

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Treating Depression Naturally

One in every 6 Australians experience mental illness at any age. Worldwide, depression remains to be the number one cause of disability.


Iron and Anemia

Iron plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen to different cells inside the body. Two-thirds of the body’s iron supply is found in the haemoglobin, which is the protein that carries the oxygen.

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Stress Strategies Naturally

There is not one single person who hasn’t experienced stress. The little stresses are what makes our bodies stronger, and more capable of responding to stressful situations.

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Mercury Toxicity and Health

Did you know that Mercury is 1000 times more toxic than lead? Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive heavy metal that exists on earth,

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Destroying Anxiety and Bringing Back Calm

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, it’s a natural response to stress! To most people, it could even be a motivator to push you to finish assignments and projects,

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A Naturopath’s Top 8 Tips To Reduce Stress

Stress has a much greater impact on your overall health than you think. Since stress response is a coping mechanism for the human body to an external threat,

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